The war of declarations increases the tension between Iran and the EU


Following what was said on Twitter Sunday night by US President Donald Trump, his Iranian counterpart, Hassan Rouhani, warning him in a message written in capital letters that he would not threaten the United States. United did not want to suffer the consequences of Trump's tweet was the answer to a message from the Iranian president, but it was not Rouhani who started the election campaign. But US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, who at a Sunday morning conference at the Reagan Foundation in California, accused Iranian leaders of stealing the country's resources to spread his revolution to the US. stranger and oppress more than 80 million Iranians, and compared them to the mafia.

Trump: Iran will suffer the consequences if it continues threats against the United States

"For the regime prosperity, security and freedom for the Iranian people are things that can to be sacrificed in their march for revolution.The levels of corruption and enrichment of the Iranian regime's leaders show that it is something closer to the mafia than the government, "said Mike Pompeo, secretary of the US state.

The EU promises to implement After that, the spokesman for the Iranian Foreign Ministry said that Pompeo's statements showed "the frustration of the United States and its failure to achieve its goals , after adopting a unilateral and reckless decision regarding the nuclear deal with Iran, which led to global isolation towards the United States "and added that Pompeo's speech was" hypocritical and absurd "and that it was only a" propaganda maneuver ".

For his part, the Iranian president has warned: "Mr. Trump, do not play with the tail of the lion, it will only make him regret.The United States must know that peace with Iran is the mother of all peace and the war with Iran is the mother of all wars … You are not able to induce the Iranian nation against its security and interests. "[19659006] Rohani warns that the attack on Iran would be "mother of all wars"

Monday, the table was lifted and the tensions intensified. The White House spokeswoman said the only one who incited was Iran and that Trump would not tolerate threats against the United States.

John Bolton, US National Security Advisor, approved what Trump told the press, in which he reiterated that the President of the United States and he had spoken to the issue in recent days and that if Iran was trying something negative, it would pay a price like few countries.

Zarif closed the exchange Monday with a message on his Twitter account, saying that they were not impressed and that they had already heard these things before and for 40 years. "We have been here for millennia and we have seen the fall of empires, including ours, which lasted longer than the lives of some countries," in clear reference to the United States. "Attention," he says,

Ironically, the Democratic Section of the US Congressional Foreign Affairs Committee, tweeted in capital letters, said that it was not a distraction and that states United States would not attack Iran. but that Russia had attacked the 2016 elections in the US Union to help Trump and that they were doing it again. "Trump refuses to hold Russia responsible and gives Putin the lead on our intelligence agencies.It is a problem worthy of capital letters," they published

With information from Ariel Moutsatsos


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