The weather | Locals | MP González Moreno denounced that Conatel censored his radio program


Omar González Moreno, journalist, is an MEP for the Venezuela Sale Group / Photo: Internet

Omar González Moreno, journalist and MP in the National Assembly (NA), denounced on Twitter that the National Telecommunications Commission (Conatel) has censored his radio show "Mar de Fondo", which he had run for 25 years.

González Moreno, parliamentarian of Venezuela's political party Sale, said that space had been removed from the airwaves, because it was done "acute criticism" that he did and to remove the wounds the deepest of Eastern suffering. "

" # 4Jul This week, CONATEL made another attack on the free press by closing MP's program @ omargonzalez6 "bottom of sea" to the regime.Another proof that tyranny do not accept dissenting voices denouncing the reality of the country #DefendoLaVerdad ", wrote @VenteJovenAnz in the aforementioned social network.

Despite the abrupt end of "Mar de Fondo", González Moreno said that he will pursue his actions defending both the freedom of expression and the right to information of Anzoatiguenses.

"# DefiendoLaVerdad | At least 1,328 journalists have left Venezuela for censorship and lack In the midst of the communication crisis, there are citizens who are looking for stories, are looking at issues that are difficult to understand. interest for the population and risk everything to denounce the reality communication hegemony, "he has posted on his account @ omargonzalez6.

" # DefiendoLaVerdad | In 2018, there are 213 attacks against freedom of expression, 26 are attacks on the media by closures, sanctions and blockades, 87 attacks on press workers, 24 arrests and 61 violent actions against Journalists. "


The cessation of space caused amazement among Twitter users, who did not hide their dissatisfaction.

" @ ABPanzoategui strongly condemns the censure that the dictatorship of Maduro imposes on the media and journalists who do not kneel. #DefiendoLaVerdad We sympathize with @ omargonzalez6 for the release of air after 25 years of Mar de Fondo. #ABPCondenaLaCensura, "wrote Francisco Abad (@abadfrancisco), president of Alianza Bravo Pueblo (ABP) in Anzoátegui.

" After 25 years of broadcasting, Conatel has decided to close the radio space "Mar de fondo "that our deputy @ omargonzalez6 led, the dictatorship wants to silence the truth of which is not afraid to denounce but despite the attacks #DefiendoLaVerdad", said Isaac Marcano (@IsaacMarcanoVE), coordinator of Youth Sale Venezuela to Anzoátegui

Valencia / Web Writing


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