The weather | World | Human Rights Watch (HRW): Venezuelan government abuses will no longer be tolerated


Taraciuk asked other countries to join the initiative / Photo: Internet

Human Rights Watch (HRW) representative, Tamara Taraciuk, pointed out that the denunciation made against Violation of human rights in Venezuela, by 53 countries At the United Nations (UN), it is a sign that the "abuses" of the President of the Republic, Nicolás Maduro, will not continue to be tolerated.

"It's a very powerful message to the Venezuelan government that these abuses will no longer be tolerated, not only in the region, but also at the United Nations," said Taraciuk during an interview on the La Tarde program.

According to the NTN24 web portal, Taraciuk said that states have up to two weeks "We hope the countries of the region, such as Uruguay, Ecuador or Costa Rica who have not signed, will join in the coming weeks, as well as from other countries in the world. " [19659003] For the representative of HRW, the denunciation made to the Human Rights Council will allow us to advance in international control over Venezuela

"Let's hope that the International Commission for investigation is created "proposed by the High Commissioner, so that" those responsible for abuses are held accountable ".

New York / Web editorial / NTN24


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