There are 32,000 hits in the major leagues


Today and tomorrow are the days of the Post, as every week. But I can not answer those who do not report what city they are writing.

José R. Montes M. of Obregón, think and ask …: "For me, the maximum reference in the launch of Mexican baseball is Vicente Romo. Fernando Valenzuela it was good and he was the best Mexican pitcher Big Leagues. But Romo played for eight seasons in Big Leagues. And how you say, you have to get to that level and stay that way. Vincent In Mexican baseball, he was a warrior on the hill who was throwing. Now, he passes on his knowledge to new Mexican talent. Until last year, he worked in the Northern League of Mexico, with the Puerto Peñasco sharks, part of the organization Toros of Tijuana. For you, who is the best pitcher in the history of Mexican baseball? "

Friend Pepe…: In Big Leagues nor was it coherent, and in Mexico there were several superiors, starting with Cuban Martín Dihigo, since you do not say "Mexicans" but "Mexican baseball".

Iván J. Peña S. of Campeche, asks …: "Why the players of the Yankeeswill it be due to a training method or a lack of training? "

Friend Vano…: No team is more than Yankees. And no one has that answer, but maybe that's it, too much training … It'll get up and we'll see!

Gilberto M. Chacínof Caracas, asks … "How many bigleaguers have connected three thousand hits? I think it was 32, but they tell me from colleagues in the University that you published a few days ago, which are 28 ".

Friend Gil… I can make a lot of mistakes, but not that, because I carry the list with me. A distracted historian has surely published it, because there are some. There are 32, those of three thousand and more incognizable in Big Leagues…: 1-Pete Rose4,256; 2-Ty Cobb, 4.189: 3-Hank Aaron3.7771; 4-Stan Musial3,630; 5-Tris Speaker3,514; 6Derek Jeter3465; 7-Honus Wagner3430; 8-Carl Yastrzemski3,419; 9-Paul Molitor3,319; 10-Eddie Collins3,315; 11-Willie Mays3283; 12-Eddie Murray3,255; 13-Nap Lajoie3,242; 14-Cal Ripken3.184; 15-Adrián Beltré3,166; 16-George Brett3,154; 17-Paul Waner3.152; 18 –Robin Yount3,142; 19-Tony Gwynn3,141; 20-Álex Rodríguez3.115; 21-Dave Winfield3.110; 22-Albert Pujols. 3090; 23-Ichiro Suzuki3,089; 24-Craig Biggio3,060; 25-Rickey Henderson3,055; 26-Rod Carew3,053; 27-Lou Brock3,023; 28-Rafael Palmeiro3,020; 29-Adrián (Cap) Anson3,011; 30Wade Boggs3,010; 31-Al Kaline3.007; 32-Roberto Clemente, 3,000.

Thanks to the life that gave me so much, even to a reader like you.

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