There were 12 deaths in the protests to demand food and services


The economic and social crisis has worsened throughout Venezuela until now in 2018. This is evidenced by the report of the Observatory of Social Conflicts for the first half, according to which 5.315 events took place all over the country. In January and June, more than 80% were due to citizens' dissatisfaction with the government's lack of attention to low wages, hunger, lack of water, electricity, and transportation. and gas and the situation of hospitals and education. . On average, there were 30 daily events; this is an increase of 8% over the first half of 2017.

The majority of events (84%) were characterized by the demand for economic, social, cultural and environmental rights, and in these 12 protesters perished, 75% of them for food and 11 people were shot dead. "Parents and witnesses have denounced state officials as responsible for 5 deaths and armed civilians of the other 7.

" The needs of Venezuelan families, due to the economic crisis and the lack of money. humanitarian emergency complex, were the epicenter of the protests of 2018. In January, food demands rebounded and throughout the year, they were divided between labor rights, health and basic services. As long as the government does not, the protests are exacerbated and social conflicts are reinforced, "says the study.

But in protests, the accused was not one and the same right for the protesters: in 2045, several rights were demanded simultaneously, which the NGO called combined demonstrations.

The month of June, followed by March, had the largest number of street actions that took place mainly in the capital district, Lara and Bolívar.

The first of the reasons for protest was that of the labor force which goes beyond salary increases. "Despite 4 adjustments that have undergone basic pay in the first 6 months, bonuses for those who have the national identity card, incentives from private companies to retain talent, the 2,019 protests for the rights of the accumulated work in the same period, equivalent to 11 daily demonstrations, they show the concern of a sector that demands conditions of quality and stability. "

The NGO warned that the crisis of the labor sector tended to worsen in the absence of corrective measures and did not exclude the cessation of sectoral activities, because of low wages or the increase in forced migration, "leaving the country unassisted with skilled labor."

Basic services were another good reason to protest. There were 1,391 documented, 8 dailies, by power cuts, without warning, and by lack of clean water and transportation.

Feeding problems and the increase in nutritional diseases have, as a result, caused more than 700 outbreaks. "The food crisis has not been overcome," says the report, which also recorded 226 looting or attempts in most of the country, resulting in hunger, desperation and impunity.

583 protests from chronic patients and their family members entitled to health and life, while health workers performed 838 street protests.

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