Theresa May Appoints New Minister for Brexit | news


UK Prime Minister Theresa May named Dominic Raab on Monday as the new secretary of the government for Brexit .

Following the resignation of ] David Davis for differences in the departure of the United Kingdom from the European Union (EU) accusing May of "giving too easily" in the negotiations.

The new appointment of May allows Raab is the new head of the new negotiations in Brussels, who are in their final phase.

David Davis Photo: EFE

>> Dimit Boris Johnson, British Minister for Foreign Affairs

In this regard, the European Commission has assured that the resignation of Davis will not be a problem for the institution and stressed that negotiations will continue with "goodwill".

Dominic Raab is a 44 year old politician and lawyer who was at the time when he was acting as Minister of Housing.

>> It rains the criticism of May after the resignation of the Minister of Brexit

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