These are the presentation dates of the Galaxy X and Galaxy S10


The Galaxy X is one of the most anticipated phones of the last few years because it raises a real revolution in the mobile industry, this thanks to its flexible screen that could mark the time. future of smartphones, however, the fact of not knowing absolutely nothing about the team, also generates a lot of doubts among users, although it seems that soon all this will end.

We had heard that Samsung would present the Galaxy X late 2018 or early 2019, there was even talk of a presentation in conjunction with the Galaxy S10, although later it was said that the Galaxy X would shown to trading partners at CES 2019, would be presented at the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona, ​​and for its part, the Galaxy S10 would be presenting at a private event during the month of March.

But new information from China, mentions that the South Korean society wants to start 2019 with great strength, and what better than to do it. the attention of the international media, for this reason, the Galaxy X would be officially presented at CES in Las Vegas, while the Galaxy S10 will do the same at the MWC in Barcelona.

The company did not confirm this information, did not even mention anything about the Galaxy X or Galaxy S10 but it is well known that it works on both computers so that they can be marketed next year.

Galaxy X, the new folding phone from Samsung

Regarding the Galaxy X, it is said that it will also have a soft battery that could be over 4000 mAh, which will undoubtedly make it a phone with a higher battery life than other smartphones, however, its price The output could start at $ 1,800, or about 34,000 Mexican pesos.

We will keep you posted on everything that concerns both teams so that you can know first-hand all the information of the Galaxy X and G alaxy S10.

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