These unsuspected usual practices cause erectile dysfunction


Sexual health is a very important issue for most people, men and women. Over time, we adopt habits that can affect the body and, in the case of knights, erectile dysfunction.

In this context, a study was developed among Peruvian university students aged 18 to 26 years. Through it, it was determined that the stress, anxiety and alcohol consumption could cause this type of sexual impotence.

However, one of the practices that has most attracted the attention of researchers is that sleeping less than five hours harms sexual health; The results of the aforementioned research are published in the Journal of Sexual Medicine.

The main conclusion suggests that while people sleep less, they are more likely to suffer from mild erectile dysfunction. "After analyzing 90 people, we found that 1.1% had moderate dysfunction and 27.78% had mild erectile dysfunction"; This is what José Antonio Grandez Urbina, one of the authors of the investigation, said.

He added that if the male population wanted to avoid suffering from erectile dysfunction, it should benefit from a better quality of sleep. "It is recommended to sleep more than five hours, between six and eight hours is ideal, because with less than five hours the risk is presented," he warned.

erectile dysfunction

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Habits you should evaluate

If you do not mind seeing the dentist at a certain frequency, it's time to start considering it. According to scientific research conducted by Spaniards, oral hygiene does not only influence oral health; this has a direct effect in other areas, such as sexuality.

Why is it Because men with periodontitis, a disease that causes inflammation of the gums, have a higher risk of having erectile dysfunction than the rest of the pairs. When a person suffers from this pathology, periodontal bacteria themselves or inflammatory cytokines from the gingival focus hurt the vascular endothelium.

Thus, finally, if this endothelial dysfunction continues its course towards the blood vessels of the penis, the flow is altered and sexual impotence appears; this according to a summary excerpted from an article from the specialized website

Other studies have shown that certain daily activities can be very harmful, to the point of causing erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation and other problems.

erectile dysfunction

For example, eat too much junk food. This is because it is full of carbohydrates that affect metabolism and circulation, which makes erectile dysfunction very likely.

Also, the do not dry well after bathing. Drying after the shower is very important for the health of the penis. Does too much moisture in the area generate the space for the proliferation of bacteria? which can affect the health of the male sexual organ.

similarly, wear tight underwear This greatly influences. It's so bad for sexual and reproductive health that it can even leave a man sterile. Of course, not if it is used exceptionally, but if it is usual, it can cause serious problems.

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