They arrest a man who abused his children and his "friend" who registered


Mexico .- Colombian police arrested two men accused of abusing three minors for more than two years and marketing the recordings.

The capture took place in the San Diego and Picacho district of Medellín, after one of the victims, who is now 18 years old and is the eldest daughter of the man, went to the police to denounce his biological father to abuse him for seven years, reports a local media

The situation deteriorated two years ago, when the biological father of the girl began to live with another wife and two children, a 10-year-old daughter and a 12-year-old daughter.

An acquaintance of the alleged abuser discovered situation and convinced the man to record the abuses in the video and market them as material for adults, in exchange for not denouncing it.

Later, the bribe went up until 'friend' with the two little children, under the threat that they were not doing it, they would kill the mother.

After the girl's complaint, the authorities managed to gather evidence on the black market, which gave orders. of capture against the father, 37 years, and the accomplice, of 52.


  • Medellín
  • Colombia
  • Abuse of father
  • Minors
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