They ask for caution before stopping vaccination against foot-and-mouth disease


This federation brings together cattle guilds from Paraguay, Brazil, Argentina and Uruguay. The space and attention of the opening ceremony of the annual exhibition were used to make known his position on the possibility of lifting the vaccination against foot-and-mouth disease.

Farmers in the region ask for caution before taking such a "La Granja considers that it is essential that before embarking on this momentous decision, all technical, economic, economic and social studies. Risk analysis, cost / benefits should be completed to determine if the health conditions are met, and the conditions for lifting the vaccination are given, "said the statement released yesterday.

Later, the farm called on the public and private sectors to follow the same plan before making the decision, notably promoted by Brazil.

"The commitment of all members of this union, and the public and private sectors, is essential for placing and agreeing on the sanitary conditions that allow us to position our livestock with the state of health needed to meet the world's largest and most demanding demand, "the statement said.

Paraguay's proposal is to continue vaccination until at least 2023. neighboring country suggests that this be done next year inclusively.

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