They ask to stop the president of the Triathlon Federation to forge the minutes


The Attorney General appointed by the Constituent, Tarek William Saab informed that the Public Ministry requested a warrant of arrest against the President of the Venezuelan Triathlon Federation (Fevetri) , Pablo Rafael Machillanda and three other persons, for having falsified the minutes of the Extraordinary General Assembly during which a reform was made to the statutes of the said institution.

According to the preliminary investigation, Machillanda allegedly incurred document falsification crimes false attestation before official, agavillamiento and gaining profit.

Similarly, arrest warrants were issued against Lilia Elena Becerra Benedetti, treasurer of Fevetri; and Óscar Arapé García general secretary of the aforementioned body, for the alleged commission of the crimes of falsification of documents, agavillamiento and obtaining profit.

Also on Daniel Longa, public clerk of the first circuit of the municipality of Libertador, weighs a warrant for arrest after allegedly incurring wrongful acts committed by a public official, a compilation and an accomplice in the case. obtaining a profit.

The Attorney General explained that, according to the expertise that has been advanced, the falsification of this act is allegedly done in order to obtain benefits in the electoral process of the Federation, as well as to extract economic benefits.

He pointed out that the Fevetri receives funding and grants from Venezuelan State in charge of the Ministry of People's Power for Youth and Sports, for the sponsorship of the. actividade sports related to the disciplines of said federation.

Saab added between 2013 and 2016 the Fevetri received from the Venezuelan State, between the national currency and foreign currency, an approximate amount of 771 thousand dollars.

The Complaint

] The complaint concerning these alleged irregularities was made by four members of the federation before the Minister of Popular Power for Youth and Sports, Pedro Infante [19459005whobroughtitin] Attorney

The applicants stated that they were not summoned and, therefore, did not participate and did not subscribe to ] Minutes of the Extraordinary General Assembly in which the statutes of the Federation were amended from Triathlon, held on February 28, 2013.

They specified that these headings attached to the minutes of the meeting do not correspond to him, but belong to the law of the Assembly made with reason of the elections of the federal authorities of the Olympic cycle 2013-2016.

The falsified registration was registered on September 6, 2017 in front of the public register of the first circuit of the municipality of Libertador of the district of the capital, By the president of the Fevetri

It n? There were no untouchables

At the meeting with the media, the Attorney General announced that the prosecutor was investigating three other Federations for made of Corruption . "They must understand that the state's resources for sport can not be used for looting or misappropriation of funds to the detriment of the people," he said.

"This case marks an important precedent.It warned that there were no untouchables in Venezuela regarding corruption, because the prosecution, through its criminal investigations, was able to dismantle the mafias, that there were in PDVSA, Cencoex and other institutions that were used to wasting state resources.

"The important thing is that With this survey today, a path is open, so that we can do everything we have to do with Federations, because there is no reason for it. Untouchable here, "reiterated the Attorney General.

See also:

MP calls for the arrest of 11 other PDVSA officials for corruption

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# corruption, act, chavism, crisis, democracy, sport, dictatorship, federation, prosecution, robbery, triathlon, Venezuela

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