They claim that anesthesiologists are leading the medical diaspora in Venezuela # 27Nov


As of March 2018, 1,200 anesthesiologists had left Venezuela. The vice-president of the Venezuelan Society of Anaesthesiology, Daniel Sanchez, said the specialists were leaving the country because, in other regions of Latin America, they offer good salaries to Venezuelans wearing this title.

"The largest diaspora in the country is anesthesiologists, and in Quito, we know that there are 71 doctors in this area.The other countries in the region are lacking anesthesiologists and paying very well. "said the doctor, who also said that anesthesiologists are leading the medical diaspora so far in 2018.

He is a specialist said that anesthesiologists are "kicking" the country.

It is important to note that the Venezuelan Medical Federation (FMV) has recently reported that doctors emigrate en masse from the country. They pointed out that the precarious working conditions in the hospitals, the shortage of supplies and the low wages were the reasons that pushed them to emigrate from Venezuela.

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