They claim that Meghan's father staged a joke: He did not suffer from a heart attack | who


On May 14, five days before the marriage between Meghan Markle and Harry photos were published of his father, Thomas, trying on clothes in a local Baja California to attend the event. Almost at the same time, it was learned that he himself had accepted these images with a paparazzi who had paid him $ 135,000, reports Daily Mail.

Then came the scandal and the cancellation of his participation in the marriage of his daughter. and an operation of the heart.

However, today a "close friend" of Meghan denies Thomas under the argument that everything was a joke and a pretext for trying to remedy the shame that made it happen to his daughter and the British royal family for paparazzi photos and, why not ?, gain the sympathy and compassion of the people, "clean up" his image, then.

"If he was really sick, Meghan would have made an effort to visit him … Of course, she's mad at him, her father missed her marriage … Thomas had so little judgment.Now everyone feels sorry for him.Not should.In any case you must feel sorry for Meghan, "were some phrases that the close friend told the British newspaper.

There is more: Daily Mail called the hospital in which Thomas said that he was hospitalized and responded that they did not register anyone with this name on days when it was said he was hospitalized (May 16 and 17). And even worse, the newspaper has once again released photos of Thomas – taken just two days after the alleged operation – in which he carries a bag of fried chicken and seems to buy some sweets and junk food (he does not want to eat anything). is not necessary to be doctor the type of food is forbidden for someone recently operated and more if it is a heart surgery).

Nothing stops Thomas, he continues to make controversial statements seconded by his eldest daughter, Samantha, who on Twitter blames Meghan if anything happens to his "sick" father.

Thomas also does not have a good relationship with his second son, who calls himself the same as him; in fact, it has been said that they have recently met after seven years of remoteness.

The novel follows for the Duchess of Sussex and the headache for the British royal house is surely huge, but they did not say anything it does not seem either that they will do it.

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