They claim the conversion will cost the country $ 300 million


Caracas.- The former director of the Central Bank of Venezuela explained that the cost of the currency conversion process would reach about $ 300 million because, inter alia, "coins and banknotes were sent abroad for each ticket cost between 6 and 7 cents, so here is what you have to do is a plan to attack the cause of inflation.

Guerra insisted that the plan which now includes the elimination of five and not three zeros of the currency is a "makeup to give the impression that they are attacking hyperinflation with the measures," he said in a program directed by Carlos Croes

He also felt that the advertisements and their content were extremely confusing.
"The entry into force of the new monetary cone with 5 zeros less will generate a monumental entanglement because these things must be well done," he said.

– Now we have to redo everything, spend money again to remove 5 zeros, that is, divide it by 100,000.
Another fault that considers and needs to be corrected immediately is the inadequacy of bills and coins that prevent people from using the money they get for their work.

The economist has ratified that the great measure that must be taken with urgency is one that considers the strategies needed to combat inflation: changes in fiscal, monetary policies, foreign exchange, institutional and oil, he added.

Economists agree that it's still "raw", so they agree that the executive be forced to a new extension.
Last Saturday, Fetrabanca Secretary General Claudio Rivas warned that the deadline is insufficient because it must begin in 20 days.

He noted that the recently introduced changes generated a loss of 60 to 70% of the operational adequacy that had been achieved so far.
Asdrúbal Oliveros assured that if there is hyperinflation, any reconversion is useless. I

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