They create promising drugs against baldness


More than 50% of men over age 50 suffer from alopecia and the number shows an upward trend according to data from the British Public Health Service .

British researchers discovered that a drug diagnosed for osteoporosis showed promising results against baldness by stimulating hair growth.

Experts at Center for Dermatological Research at the University of Manchester stated that the component "WAY-3166060" had a positive effect on the growth of hair follicles.

The results were obtained after scientists analyzed the impact of the drug on scalp follicles donated by 40 aspirants for scalp transplantation ] and discovered that component reduces the expression of a protein called SFRP1 that has a negative role on growth and the development of many tissues, including hair follicles.

Before the discovery, Dr. Nathan Hawkshaw, who directs the research, considers that the external application of compounds similar to WAY-316606 on the scalp could promote hair growth without side effects .

Although the research is in its first phase the results were published in the journal PLOS Biology & # 39; because of the impact when it was revealed that the procedure had no side effects

There are currently two drugs available against common baldness and have all the two of the side effects such as skin irritation and redness in addition to those being ineffective 100% which caused the persons suffering from this disease to resort to surgeries of hair transplant.

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