They defend Haitians who study R & D


Movement demands to eliminate Haitian student payments at the border.

Santiago. The Peace on the Island movement denounced the fact that hundreds of Haitian students have to pay large sums on the Dominican border every time they go to Haiti

Pastor Jude Joseph, door -Spaces of the entity that includes evangelical friars, professionals and students of Haitian nationality, described the action as an abuse by the authorities. "Despite their student status, there are many students who, not having the special card that they grant in migration, pay up to four thousand pesos. ", he said.

In Dominican Republic, about ten thousand students from the neighboring nation go to university. Joseph understands that the collection by the immigration authorities applies only to Haitian students, as they were tourists.

The cost of collection varies from 800 to four thousand pesos, depending on the duration.

the island wonders if Dominican students who are in other countries of Latin America or Europe may have to pay a stay as if they were tourists, "he said, always this situation in which live students in different Dominican universities.

However, some students recognize that the Dominican government has made an effort and there are already many who have stopped to pay for the migration by getting a card and presenting it with their passport, so that they understand that the process should continue.

Affected people have indicated that in some cases, if they are lacking. money To pay, they must leave their documents at the border.

They demand a peaceful solution in Haiti

The entity urges the parties to the conflict in Haiti to seek peaceful solutions for solve the problems that affect Haitian society. Peace on the Island members regret that despite the efforts of the international community to help Haiti overcome its backlog, traditional politicians want to maintain the status quo to defend and protect their interests.

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