They denounce that 32,626 detainees are in police cells in the country


Humberto Prado, director of the Venezuelan Prison Observatory, reported Wednesday that 32,626 detainees lived in overcrowded police cells in the country.

He noted that there were more than 100 detainees at Polichacao headquarters. prisoners and in the days of the visit, there are up to 200 people among the detainees, relatives and police officers, El Carabobeño

The Venezuelan Prisons Observatory verified 240% of prison overcrowding. Recently there was a riot because the prisoners demanded a transfer to the prisons.

Prado explained that the situation in police detention centers is critical. Once a person is apprehended, it is under the public ministry and the judge is the one who decrees a precautionary measure or his freedom. "But the minister has changed everything, she allocates the quota and it is irregular, it is a drastic situation, that there is in all the detention centers of the police. overcrowding in police cells is the responsibility of the state.Nobody can be excluded from this competition.They can not escape their responsibilities, "said the director of the observatory.

With information from El Carabobeño

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