They denounce the fact that the government did not give CLAP the legs that it promised


December 6, 2018 05:15
Updated on December 06, 2018 07:03

Chiefs and beneficiaries of local supply and production committees said the government had not given communities half the promised legs. With prices on the market of up to 3,400 bolivars per kilo, the tradition of preparing the Christmas dinner depended for many Venezuelans on the fulfillment of the promise made by President Nicolás Maduro, who had offered them to "all families of the CLAP "that they would distribute more than 20,000 tonnes through committees and at fairs of sovereign domains.

Rosiris Hernandez, head of CLAP in a working-class neighborhood in eastern Caracas, said her community had seen 136 stems weighing 4 kilos each, for a total of 424 families. "I do not even need to give a kilo and a half to every household." Neither dividing nor lowering the drawing of the leg via the Internet will all be able to help them. </ P> <p> Street leaders called me because that they were threatening them.a boy who is a thug said to someone who would shoot him if he did not give him a complete leg, "he said.

On Sunday, the CLAP coordinator from a community in Petare informed the neighbors that she still did not know how much each family should pay for perniles, but that she would collect cash between 1,000 and 1,500 bolivars, just in case. The next day at 5 pm, the area received it, but incomplete. The street leaders went through the houses and said that each family would receive only half a kilo (2 kilos and a half) for 250 bolivars.

"That's not enough, if I had my leg full, I would have left something for the hallacas." But what they've given me, I've already stung to give it to my kids because they had not eaten protein for days, because I have neither chicken nor meat, "denounced Diana Martínez, a neighbor of the community . Another inhabitant of Petare said he divided his legs in four and that each family had received one.

In other areas of Caracas, CLAP beneficiaries fear that the traditional Christmas dish will not arrive or that it will not be distributed to all households, as was the case in 2017.

The inhabitants of the buildings of the parish of San José asked the communal councils when the legs would arrive. "Until now, nothing is known and we are already in December," said a housewife. "We just need to be buffs," said another neighbor.

Fabiana Martínez, who lives in a community in the La Quebradita area, said: "I'm afraid that they will do the same as last year, which left only 15-footers of 96 apartments of the building. "

An inhabitant of Simón Rodríguez's sector reiterated that this community feared that this would happen in the same way as last year, when it had received very little and distributed them to CLAP officials.

By the heavens. In the municipal markets of Caracas, the price per kilo of pernil reached 3,400 bolivars, which represents more than 70% of the new minimum wage of 4,500 bolivares, set by President Maduro last Thursday. Given the high price, many consumers said they still wait with hope to be contacted through the supply committees.

In the Quinta Crespo market, one kilo was 2,500 bolivars. "There are people who still maintain the tradition, but most do not, many ask for the price and leave," said a salesman.

Older-looking Gladis Ojeda, who was at the market, said that this year she will be able to eat pork only if her son arrives through CLAP. Another said: "We hope that the CLAP bag will be delivered with the leg because it can not be bought.This tradition was lost."

In the Chacao market, a kilo cost 3,400 bolivars. The butcher assured that sales "are terrible" because, due to high prices, many consumers ask and do not buy. "Others are asking for less amounts than before," added the worker.

"I do not even need to donate a kilo and a half to each family." Neither dividing nor lowering the drawing of the leg via the Internet will be able to help them all. that they were threatening them "

Chief of CLAP in a community of East Caracas

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