They discover which drug to treat osteoporosis also prevents baldness – Veraz Informa


Baldness is common among men and its incidence increases as the years go by. Nearly 50% of men over age 50 suffer from alopecia according to data from the British Public Health Service.

British researchers discovered that a drug was treating osteoporosis would be promising against baldness because it would stimulate hair growth.

As they have laboratory-tested experts at the Center for Dermatological Investigations of the University of Manchester, the component called WAY-316606 would have a positive effect on the growth of hair follicles.

Scientists analyzed this impact on the scalp follicles donated by 40 patients for hair transplantation. Thus, they found that this component reduces the expression of a protein called SFRP1 that has a negative role on the growth and development of many tissues, including the hair.

Researchers, led by Dr. Nathan Hawkshaw, consider that the external application on the human scalp of compounds similar to WAY-316606 could promote hair growth, with no side effects, states Informe21

However, research is still ongoing and it would miss a clinical trial to ensure the total effectiveness and safety of this compound for people. These findings were recently published in the specialized journal PLOS Biology.

Currently, there are two drugs available to treat common baldness, called androgenic alopecia, which primarily affects men, but also Minoxidil women, which is prescribed for men and women, and finasteride, which is indicated only for men.

Both options have side effects and are not effective in 100% of cases, so patients are more concerned about the fall We will have to wait a bit to see if they can finally find a drug that is effective and safe to fight hair loss.


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