They established new migratory controls at the Colombian border


60 officials, equipped with advanced electronic devices, will be responsible for validating, one by one, the travel documents of the more than 48,000 people who cross daily the three authorized stages of Norte de Santander, informed the Managing Director of Migration Colombia, Christian Krüger Sarmiento.

The measure will initially work in the department of Norte de Santander. These procedures allowed, in a little over a week of testing, to identify around 21,000 fake Border Mobility Cards (FATs), as well as the capture of two strangers sought by the red circular. Interpol, for the crime of drug trafficking

As stated by the Director General of Migration Colombia, this type of measures aims not only to strengthen order in the immigration business, but also to protect the country against possible threats that could go against national security.

"We continue to work on the implementation of new control models that facilitate mobility without neglecting safety, and we do this here at Simón Bolívar Bridge, not only because about 80% of the total number of people Venezuela, but also because this bridge has become the bridge of hope, the site that thousands of Venezuelans arrive every day with the hope of a better future, "said Krüger Sarmiento .

The new process of control is done in just five seconds, thanks to an application that works through mobile data and that allows to verify the identity of people in different databases.

Press Release

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