They extradited to the United States a collaborator of "El Chapo" in Ciudad Juárez


The Mexican government extradited the drug trafficker Arturo Lozano Méndez, aka "Garza", who is considered to be a collaborator of Joaquín "El Chapo" Guzmán in the Sinaloa Cartel in charge of operations in Ciudad Juárez. , reported Friday, US authorities

Lozano, 47, is accused of belonging to a criminal organization, possession of cocaine and marijuana, trafficking in cocaine and marijuana in the United States, laundering money and the use of firearms. According to statements by the Ministry of Justice, Lozano was responsible for the Sinaloa cartel's warehouses in the border town of Juarez, from where he sent cocaine and marijuana to various cities. Americans and also received contraband weapons on the north side of the border.

The cases for drug trafficking in which they impute to Lozano date from 2012 and includes a twenty-one senior members of Sinaloa, "El Chapo" among them.

The trial is scheduled to begin in November in a Texas court and Lozano is facing a life sentence.

was extradited from Mexico Dámaso López Núñez, "El Licenciado", considered the successor of "El Chapo" before the Sinaloa Cartel.

López was arrested on May 2, 2017 in Mexico City and faces charges in court. Considered as Guzmán's right hand man, the authorities consider him a key witness in the capo lawsuit scheduled for September in New York.

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