They find billions of tons of diamonds under the surface of the earth


They may be more common than we imagine, although the main challenge is to pick them up.

Diamonds are one of the most valuable objects today. Its characteristics and value make it something really desired by many. However, a new discovery challenges the true exclusivity of this mineral.

According to a new study published by a team of MIT researchers, Harvard and the University of California at Berkeley, among other institutions, a quadrillion tons of diamonds are found in underground rock formations called cratons.

Researchers used sound waves to study the composition of formations. As mentioned, waves move at different speeds depending on the composition, temperature and density of rocks and minerals. After several studies, they gathered enough data to reach the conclusion.

Diamonds are at the center of the planet's tectonic plates up to 300 kilometers away. It is estimated that in these cratons, there is between 1 and 2% of diamonds. The discovery was such that the MIT scientist Ulrich Faul told Businessinsider:

We can not reach them, but there are still many more diamonds than we thought. On the geological scale of things, it is relatively common.

Well, what can not be achieved is precisely related to the fact that they are between 145 and 241 kilometers deep. It may be a matter of time before someone wants to pick them up.

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