They find more than 20 burials in the archaeological complex of Túcume, Peru | news


At least 24 human burials dating from the Inca Empire were found by specialists of the Archaeological Complex of Túcume according to the Ministry of Culture of Peru . ]

The Deputy Minister of Cultural Heritage and Cultural Industries of the Ministry of Culture, Luis Villacorta, affirmed that the discovery reflects the relevance of this area for the Tahuantinsuyo empire and adds to the nine burials that have appeared in the same area 2017.

"The research work will continue in laboratories, where textile conservators and scientific specialists will begin the work of data interpretation," said the official.

More than 500 years ago, funerals were located to the southwest of the complex as part of research, conservation and restoration projects led by specialists from the region.


The reconstruction activities were commissioned by the Ministry of Culture after the damage caused by the phenomenon "El Niño" and will be executed until 2022.

Villacorta assured that these works will contribute to the generation of new knowledge for the strengthening of Peru's cultural identity, as well as the creation of jobs.

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