They find the largest dinosaur foot in the world


A fossilized dinosaur foot nearly one meter wide, unearthed 20 years ago in northeastern Wyoming, is the largest to date, according to an international team of researchers from the United States. PeerJ magazine. The skeleton of the dinosaur has not yet been identified, but the size and shape of the bones of the foot indicate that it belonged to a brachiosaurus. These long-necked herbivores lived about 150 million years ago, at the end of the Jurassic.

"These things were just huge," says co-author David Burnham, paleontologist at the University of Kansas Biodiversity Institute and Museum of Natural History in Lawrence (USA). Burnham estimates that the new dinosaur, nicknamed Bigfoot, may have measured about 30 feet long, about the length of a blue whale.

During the Upper Jurassic, brachyiosaurs inhabited parts of North America in what is now Colorado, Utah. and southern Wyoming. These excavations indicate that brachyiosaurs have traveled more than previously thought.

Paleontologists used 3D scanning and detailed measurements to compare the specimen with the feet of many dinosaur species, which allowed them to confirm for the first time. "There are footprints and other incomplete skeletons from Australia and Argentina that appear to be larger animals, but these gigantic skeletons have been found without legs," said the co – author of the study Emanuel Tschopp. , from the Natural History Division of the American Museum of Paleontology. "This beast was clearly one of the largest that has ever walked in North America."

So, now we have the fossil of one of the largest creatures that walked on Earth 150 million years ago originally in Wyoming in 1998).

The excavations were carried out by an expedition team, including Anthony Maltese, lead author of the new study. Recalling the excavations 20 years ago, he said: "It was immediately apparent that the foot, which measured almost a meter wide, was of an extremely large animal, so that the specimen was nicknamed Bigfoot."

the fossil was discovered, the Wyoming Black Hills area is famous for sheltering Mount Rushmore (a national monument depicting the faces of US presidents George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Theodore Roosevelt and Abraham Lincoln) and probably contains more than Well preserved dinosaur skeletons, so the team of paleontologists continues to study the fossils in the area.

Source: Very interesting



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