They killed a teenager when he was playing cards at Gramoven


A death threat that would have made it last Saturday in Raúl Alfredo Chirino Duerto, 15, materialized Monday at 20:00 when the teenager played cards with a group of people. friends on a street in the Alejandro Oropeza Castillo area, in Gramoven de Catia, Sucre parish

Two strangers appeared on the site and one of them asked "who is Raúl" and who Responded replied "I am Raúl". Immediately, one of the individuals pulled him by the shirt and shot him two bullets in the chest.

Oswaldo Chirino Duerto, older brother, left his home and took him to the Magallanes Hospital in Catia where he died a few minutes later.

Her mother, Milikza Duerto, reported that her son had disputed last Saturday with someone from the area because the teen had tripped this person with his bicycle, "and a threat of death has occurred. "

The boy was the fifth of the nine brothers. He studied until the sixth grade at Pedro Manuel Ruiz School and started as a carpenter. I'm learning with an uncle who has a carpentry in his house. He lived in this region for a year and a half

"Many young people leave school to work and others commit crimes," said Duerto, and said: "It was a controlled death, a revenge. "

The teenager was given to the family last Thursday, but yesterday her mother filled some papers in the morgue register. The investigation was entrusted to officials of the Western Axis of Cicpc's Homicide Division who, in addition to relatives, interrogated the companions of the victim to find out the details and physiognomic characteristics of the two men involved in the investigation. l & # 39; homicide. 19659009]! Function (e, t, n) {var o, s = e.getElementsByTagName (t) [0]; e.getElementById (n) || (o = e.createElement (t), = n, o.src = "", s.parentNode. insertBefore (or, s))} (document, "script", "facebook-jssdk") [ad_2]
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