They killed a young man when he brought food to his house


Greiber Jesús Nieto Asuaje was on his way to his home near Enero Block 23, Block 37, when he was approached by a stranger who shot him two times. He died on the site. The incident occurred on Friday at 1:20 pm

Witnesses reported that Nieto was in the first row to remove the Clap bag at the market in this area. When he was about to climb the stairs leading to his residence, he was intercepted by a white Toyota van, Hilux model, without a license plate, from where a man wearing a jacket jacket -balls would have descended; and, without saying a word, he shot him, then fled.

The victim received a bullet impact on a cheekbone, with entry and exit, and another in a parietal. The mother, who heard the detonations, was informed by a neighbor that her son's body was lying in the alley.

Nieto, who was an athlete, raised weight with young people in the sector and since last October he has been working as a worker. School Felipe Tejera of January 23, parish of Catia of the municipality of Libertador. In October, I began to study education.

Parents reported that the young man was not stripped of his belongings, so they dismissed him as a robbery. They claim that he had no problem with anyone and that they do not understand the circumstances in which he lost his life. They ask that justice be done.

The neighbors indicated that this area and others of Catia are "controlled" by the members of the collectives, who would have committed crimes of all kinds in the parish without the authorities doing anything for the # 39; stop. ! function (e, t, n) {var o, s = e.getElementsByTagName (t) [0]; e.getElementById (n) || (o = e.createElement (t), = n, or .src = "", s.parentNode. insertBefore (or, s))} (document, "script", "facebook" -jssdk ") [ad_2]
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