They murdered two PNB officers on patrol


Duison José Flores Rivero, 27, from the PNB, was killed with 2 shots in the face yesterday at 2:15 am on the main street of Parque Alto, El Ingenio de Guatire sector.

Flores Rivero, along with other comrades, conducted patrols in a unit of Chery Orinoco, plates 4586AW, when men in uniform saw a Yamaha RX2 motorcycle, of 135 pistons, black and red, whose occupants gave him the High Voice to patrol and then they are placed in front of the police unit. The parrillero took out a firearm with which he fired on the patrol and there was a confrontation in which the PNB official was wounded, who was admitted dead to Guarenas General Hospital. -Guatire.

of Polinacional, Polizamora and Cicpc. The latter body opened the case investigation to identify and arrest the perpetrators of the homicide.

Complaint. At the Bello Monte morgue, parents of 37-year-old Domingo Castel complained that his body had been admitted on Sunday and, when it was removed on Monday, the body was broken and had to be sprinkled with lime to veil it Two hours

The decomposition of the corpse is due to the fact that the cava does not work properly and that the bodies left there are contaminated by rotten corpses

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