They perform a recruitment day in the Humanized Birth Plan


.N .- This Saturday was held in different parts of the country, a day of recruitment, characterization and validation of pregnant women to be included in the humanized birth plan which has celebrated his first birthday

Caryl Bertho, Minister of Women and Gender Equality, said that this activity had been conducted in the areas of integral health community (Asic) Maternidad Concepción Palacios, in the district of the capital, and Mama Pancha, in Charallave (Mir), among other centers

Deployment, which has the support of the National Union of Women and the Somos Brigade Venezuela served up to 300 thousand Venezuelans last May and promotes natural childbirth, helping to put a stop to the indiscriminate use of caesarean section, a procedure that some health professionals call for to obtain profits p higher.

The program includes a protection premium of 3 million Bs a month for women C & gt; is in the process of gestation. After delivery, they receive a one-time allowance of 4,500,000 bolivars.

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