They point out that Luisito Rey is not the father of El Sol


Mexico City- The biographical series of Luis Miguel gave rise to all sorts of commentary and speculation about the singer's life, one of the most controversial aspects being his relationship with Luisito Rey, his father, published El Universal

However, this link could have been simply emotional and not biological, as recently pointed out the Spanish journalist and writer Javier León Herrera. The latter is nothing less than the author of the authorized biography on which "Luis Miguel, the series" is based.

"Doubts as to whether Luis Rey was his biological father was Luis Miguel himself several times personally, I believe that he is not the biological father," Herrera said. to the Argentine program "Involucrados".

For Herrera, the differences in the appearance of Luis Miguel and Rey – whose real surname is Gallego – are a first indication, since "The Sun of Mexico" does not seem to show any of the characteristics of Gallego . On the contrary, the artist is very similar to his maternal grandfather.

The author points out that Alejandro and Sergio, brothers of Luis Miguel, show the physical characteristics of their father, so he is sure that they are his children and Marcela Basteri, mother of the three [19659002] Paternity Claims

Doubts about the paternal origins of Luis Miguel are not a new topic because twenty years ago the Juan businessman José Arias carried out a judicial procedure with which he sought to verify if the artist was his son.

Arias even came to publish a book entitled "Luis Miguel Is My Son" and publicly denounced that the singer's surroundings prevented him from approaching the singer. Until now, the business man has not passed the DNA test requested

"There have been many obstacles and I blame his representative, Alejandro Asensi, of not letting Luis Miguel approach his great aunt, Addua.Basteri, they separated him from his daughter Stephanie for 15 years and now he does it with Araceli Arámbula, with these little boys raising up to their father's emotional impotence, "said Arias in 2009.

The businessman said that he had a relationship with Marcela Basteri in 1969 and it is the same mother of the artist who told him that he was expecting one of his sons.

Beyond this version, Javier Herrera said that, after what he knows, Juan José Arias would not be Luis Miguel's father. The author said to have another name, but preferred to keep it in reserve.

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