They project a film about rescued children in Thailand


What seemed impossible, occurred: 12 children who were part of a football team and their coach managed to be rescued alive after spending about 16 days locked in a cave in Thailand.

Between heroism and effort of the rescuers and the empathy generated by the group of young people, history has moved the planet.

And, of course, there are already plans to bring it to the big screen.

According to the Thai media, they are already advancing negotiations to achieve production.

The American studio Pure Flix – dedicated to the manufacture of Christian tinctures – announced, before the teenagers were removed from the cave, that their producers were close to the Tham Luang cave interviewing rescuers

Children were found after 10 days of being missing and few options to find them alive

I am here to witness all this courage, this demonstration of courage inside the cave, which has really become very exciting for me, "said Michael Scott, the director of Pure Flix, in a video that he posted on Twitter

Not only are they behind the project

Los Angeles, California-based producer, Ivanhoe Pictures, reported that they had been chosen by the government and the military Thai for telling

In addition, the government announced that the network of Tham Luang caves, one of the largest in the country, would become a museum.

The area will become a great museum, to show how we saved the young, "said Narongsak Osottanakorn, the man who led the operation, to the media.


will make a movie about the r Both have already caused a lot of controversy in the Asian country because both producers are American.

A review of the project of a film is that it can not portray the emotions experienced in the world. 39; real story

Jon M. Chu, the director selected by Ivanhoe for the project, said that Thai heroes will be more important than foreigners

"I refuse to let the # "The story of the cave rescue become a story of Hollywood whites. This will not happen," writes the director on his Twitter account.

"There is a beautiful story of human beings risking their lives to save other human beings, and that will be the treatment we are going to give it."

But this is not the case. is not only the movie that becomes very "Hollywood". Other film critics question the ability to tell in great detail what "A film about the rescue in Thailand will never do justice to the drama that has been lived there," said British film critic Catherine Shoard

Antonio Banderas played in the film version of the story of the 33 miners of Chile

"When something causes such inspiration in real life , the only thing a movie about this story will do, is disappoint, "added Shoard in his column in the newspaper The Guardian.

The 33

One of the examples that Shoard uses is the film that was made on the history of the 33 Chile miners, who were trapped in a mine for 72 days The film, which was entitled The 33 starred Antonio Banderas, Juliette Binoche and Rodrigo Santoro and was created in 2015.

Awards, the truth is that the film, distributed by Warner Brothers, has not had the success expected at the box office: only $ 24 million.

The film was shot with a budget of $ 26 million.

The cave will be turned into a museum to show how the 12 teenagers and their coach were saved

"It's easy to see the logic: if a The situation Real is so amazing that it sounds like something from a movie script, it's natural that it ends on the big screen, "Shoard said.

"But that rarely ends well, as is the case of the film Los 33 which shows how the story of miners trapped in Chile is fascinating and wonderful." [19659003 Other critics think the same thing. ]

"What story did you give for a lot more?" It's true, like that too The 33 is an ephemeral and superficial film, but before the disaster that was announced, ends up being even a little surprise, "writes Argentinean film critic Diego Batlle.

The truth is that we will have to wait for the final product of the rescue of Thailand, because The 33 was not the best, there have been movies about real events that have done justice to the story that they tell.

Such is the case of United 93 on the removal of one of the aircraft involved in the attacks of September 11, 2001 in the United States, or The Impossible, on the tsunami that rocked Southeast Asia in 2004, both box office and critical success.

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