They recall Nelson Mandela's legacy


.N .- An exhibition that revives the values ​​and principles of Nelson Mandela (1918-2013) was inaugurated yesterday at the African, American and Caribbean Knowledge Center, in the Central Zone. Caracas, on the occasion of the centenary of the birth of the South African leader.

Representative phrases of the activist accompany the photographic exhibition, which also describes the most important stages of Mandela's life: birth, family life, imprisonment and the construction of a thought political and movement against racial segregation in his country.

"This exhibition is small, but it's a recognition of his legacy, because it's a man who fought for freedom, who called for unity and peace , a man who liberated South Africa, Africa and the whole world with his message, "the ambassador of South Africa, Joseph Nkosi

said at the opening ceremony. Venezuela shows some progress in the fight for the Afro-descendant population.

For his part, the Vice Chancellor for Africa, Yuri Pimentel invited citizens to visit the exhibition, to "learn more about the thought of this great leader Here we can deepen the vision of this man to transform society. "

On the program. For this Wednesday are scheduled the opening of another photographic exhibition and concert "A song to Mandela", by the Municipal Symphony Orchestra of Carabobo, at Plaza Sucre in Valencia. At 2 pm, there will be an activity with young athletes from the municipality of Guacara.

This Thursday, at 11 am, an agreement will be signed between the Catholic University of Santa Rosa and the African, American and Caribbean Knowledge Center. At 2 pm, there will be a conversation about Nelson Mandela "Madiba" in the Salvador Allende hall of the Foreign Ministry and on Friday the 20th, at 4 pm, the film Invictus will be screened at the center's headquarters.

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