They report to PNG to kill two brothers in Caracas


In a few days, María Magdalena Novais loses her two children: Julio César, 24, and Carlos Francisco Rangel Novais, 27 years old.

On July 10, between 11:00 and 12:00 at night, at Las Torres Lane, Gramoven, Catia, a PNB commission arrived, whose officials were assigned to the police station of El Amparo.

At that time, the Rangel Novais brothers were in the street and ran to see the cops. Julio César is a refugee at a neighbor's house. "The police were looking for something," said Rebeca Novais, cousin of the victims. He explained that Julio Caesar was washed away from the house; "There was no confrontation."

Novais said that in addition to receiving two shots, one on one buttock and the other on one leg, Julio Cesar was beaten. They veiled it with the coffin closed because they disfigured his face. The police alleged that he had been confronted

. The commission detained Carlos Francisco, who had been planted a small amount of drugs and a firearm. They took him to the police station of El Amparo district, in Catia, and the same day, they presented him in a court of control which ordered him to be deprived of liberty "for lesser amounts of drugs ", then transferred to the San Agustín del Sud police station, former headquarters of the Prime Minister's police station.

Novais visited his cousin last Sunday and noted that he had been mistreated. He had wrist marks on both wrists and signs that they were trying to strangle him with a rope.

When Novais returned to the police station on Monday, he was informed that Carlos Francisco had died "during a fight with other prisoners". The parent is struck by the fact that the only victim in this case was his cousin. "There was not even any injuries." Apparently, about four or five inmates allegedly participated in the alleged fight.

They assume that Carlos Francisco had this sad end because he witnessed what happened to his brother Julio Caesar, father of a four-month-old child. He had studied until the second semester of computer science and was preparing to enroll at the National Experimental University of Security and had also followed a course of administrative assistant at Inces. He was unemployed, working under contract in Barrio Tricolor

Carlos Francisco was studying until the third year of high school and was currently working, also by contract, for the Barrio Tricolor.

Both lived in her mother's house. Julio Cesar was there with his wife and baby. The Rangel Novais brothers kept the house. "Her mother is left helpless," said Rebeca Novais.

Yesterday, the parents of the brothers went through the process to remove the body of Carlos Francisco. They also surrendered to the fundamental rights of the public prosecutor, in order to denounce the event in which the two brothers died and to determine what happened with Rangel Novais.

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