They reveal a possible cure for polycystic ovary syndrome (+ details)


Photo: Nosotras

(Caracas, July 11, News24) . Recent research published in the journal Nature Medicine left open the possibility of finding a cure for polycystic ovary syndrome a common condition among women that would affect one in five women.

Polycystic ovarian syndrome occurs when the female ovaries or adrenal glands produce more male hormones than normal. leads to the generation of many cysts in the ovaries. In addition, these women are at higher risk of developing other disorders such as diabetes, metabolic problems or even cardiovascular disease.

Symptoms of polycystic ovary include irregular menstruation, weight gain, acne or very oily skin or in other parts of the body, and may even lead to infertility . These signs are a direct result of the rise in the rate of androgens in the body .

This disorder is usually detected by a specific blood test and an ultrasound. Women who have a mother or immediate family members with polycystic ovary syndrome may have a higher risk of suffering in the future.

The fact is that polycystic ovarian syndrome is a problem that is not there and you can only indicate some general measures such as following a balanced diet an active lifestyle and some drugs for relieve symptoms It is usually indicated, for example, the use of contraceptives to help regulate menstruation and balance hormones.

However, recent studies have questioned the fact that there is no cure and that they have opened a door for the future. A link has been found that links the hormonal imbalance of the uterus and PCOS, that is, polycystic ovary syndrome.

This research has shown that the anti-Müller hormone (AMH) has a different impact on pregnant women with the syndrome and those who do not have it .

The concentration of this hormone is 30% higher in women who have the syndrome than in those who do not have any abnormalities of reproduction. When tested on mice, it was found that the injection of AMH excess in these animals resulted in their offspring developing polycystic ovary syndrome in adulthood.

This discovery led researchers to focus on this hormone. find a cure for the disease. In this way, was able to discover a cure in mice, so the next step would be to begin pharmacological trials in women . The study in question was conducted by Paolo Giacobini of the National Institute of Health and Medical Research of France

Regarding the cure, specialists injected these mice with polycystic ovaries, a IVF drug called cetrorelix, makes symptoms disappear

This could be good news for the millions of women who suffer from this disease every day and who have to live daily with annoying symptoms . 19659014] Us .

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