They seized 575 food parcels in Cantaura and arrested four subjects


Vivian Ariza.- Officials of the police coordination center of the municipality of Freites (Anz) arrested four people and confiscated 575 packages of different items, among which pasta ( 190); rice (15); corn flour (90) and refined sugar (280), when they were unloaded in a house on Andrés Bello Street, in the town of Cantaura

According to the mobilization guide and d & rsquo; Shipping, the products were intended Exquisiteces Delicatesse supermarket Sabor Zuliano, located on Bolivar Ave.

Freites police commander Eriberto Carrera reported that the procedure was carried out Wednesday night. The merchandise was taken from a cellar, white, without plates; JAC model; owned by PC Corp Logistics Transportation Mikeht, based in Cagua (Ara).

Detainees identified as Carlos Magno Urbano Fernández, who claimed to be the owner of the food, Juan Carlos Arjona Pérez, Jose Arcila Jose Arcila and Dario Jose Maurera Romero

The case was brought before the second Public Prosecutor 's Office under charges of misappropriation of road, grabbing and smuggling, provided for in the Fair Price Act.

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