They send "alert" to cases of measles in Argentina – Health – Information – Latest news from Uruguay and the world updated


In Argentina, the Ministry of Health authorities confirmed two cases of indigenous measles. This is a five-month-old baby from the city of Buenos Aires and a six-year-old baby from the province. The situation added to the 660 cases (see separately) already registered in Brazil, led the authorities of the Ministry of Public Health (MSP) to determine the status of "alert" and a series of recommendations that also include migrants who arrive at

The Director General of Health, Raquel Rosa, said yesterday afternoon in the context of a press conference that "it is important to review our vaccination schedule, in especially in the case of children, and to check that they have This situation always puts us in a state of alert. "

Measles is a disease caused by a virus, which produces a potentially serious picture, especially in children under one year old and people with immune diseases. Uruguay has been free from measles since 1999.

Children aged one to four must have received one dose, those over five must have two, while those born before 1967 or already have one dose contracted measles, they need it. Those born after 1986 should have both doses of vaccine


Measles by ElPaisUy on Scribd

However, there are groups of people who can not get vaccinated. These are pregnant women, those who are allergic to eggs or components of the vaccine and those who have severe immunosuppression. "This situation occurs across America, measles is one of the most serious viral diseases in children," stressed the hierarchy of health.

Prior to the press conference, the MSP said in a statement that the main measure of prevention of this disease is vaccination with the triple viral vaccine (SRP), so that "he recalled that". it is essential to examine the vaccination card.


Rosa said that the State Secretariat is already adopting the necessary measures in the face of increased migration: "In general, diseases circulate by migrants," he said. He added that, for example, they are asked to document all vaccines and that if they are not, they will receive those that they do not have.

In May, El País said the MSP decided that the immigration process for tourists included vaccination scheme. The Minister of Public Health, Jorge Basso, said at the time in El País that "the subject of vaccines was particularly interested in the emergence of many cases of diseases that had disappeared, such as the yellow fever "in Brazil or the cases of measles in Venezuela" linked to the great mobility that occurs worldwide. "

Therefore, the executive branch has already approved a decree that requires the presentation of the vaccination system when entering the country amid a wave of immigration. to Uruguay. "It is reasonable that the process of immigration includes the identification of the person to enter with the certificate of vaccination, it was a decree already approved by the presidency," said the secretary of ;State.

On the other hand, the MSP provided that a vaccination center, if there is a lack of vaccines. This year, the MSP has repeatedly communicated its concern over the number of tourists from countries in the region infected with yellow fever during their visit to Brazil.

Either because of the Venezuelan crisis, lack of employment in Cuba o Dominican Republic, more and more immigrants come to Uruguay in search of new opportunities.

To cite just one example, 36% of foreigners newly enrolled in public schools in Montevideo are Venezuelans, so that nationality even exceeds the Argentines. Peruvians, Cubans and Dominicans are not far behind and stand out too

But more "exotic" origins, such as Angola and Pakistan, are beginning to appear in some educational centers. There are 68 migrant children who still do not have any basic documents up to date. Some do not have the identity card and most health cards, essential to participate in physical education classes and camps.

In April, the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) reported the occurrence of measles cases in nine countries in the region: Antigua and Barbuda, Brazil, Canada, Colombia, United States, Guatemala , Mexico, Peru and Venezuela.

Last September, the MSP had already urged the population to be vaccinated when an outbreak of measles broke out in the Bolivar state of Venezuela, which affected five-month-old and four-month-old children. nine years. This triggered an MSP protocol similar to that presented yesterday, which urged the population not to stop vaccinating children from possible infection with people who incubate the disease and travel to Uruguay.

The first case. In March, an eight-month-old baby became the first indigenous case of measles, detected since 2000 in Argentina, health sources said Friday. "We need to give relevance to this episode because it is an aboriginal case confirmed and several years ago that did not happen, that's why the epidemiology teams have doing the corresponding studies, "says Patricia Angeleri, National Director of Epidemiology.

The Ministry of Health has urged the Argentines to complete the national immunization schedule which includes the triple virus that prevents measles, rubella and mumps and whose first dose is given a year of life. Argentina had registered three cases in 2017 but all contracted abroad.

Brazil confirms 660 cases, all imported from Venezuela

The Ministry of Health of Brazil has 660 confirmed cases of measles, all from two outbreaks in the states of Roraima and Amazonas, Venezuela. According to the Health Portfolio, up to July 17, 444 cases of measles in the Amazon and 216 in Roraima have been confirmed and "all are related to importation".

"This has been proven by the genotype of the virus (D8) that has been identified, which is the same as that circulating in Venezuela," the ministry said in a report published on its website. Since February, when measles cases began to appear, three deaths have been recorded: two in Roraima and one in the Amazon, according to the ministry, which said 2,689 cases are still under investigation. This portfolio also indicated that there are some isolated cases identified for example in the state of São Paulo.

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