They sue Bitmain for 5 million USD: they accuse them of exploitation with material already sold | CryptoNews


The lawyers claim that Gevorkyan has been using ASICs from Bitmain since January of this year, when he bought various equipment, including the Antminer S9. According to Gevorkyan, the product is difficult to configure, so this process takes a lot of time.

Although not specifying the exact time that it took the plaintiff to install the miners, the lawsuit against Bitmain also guarantees that this new practice adds an extra cost to the initial operations of each device.

In fact, the plaintiffs seek compensation for the economic damage resulting from violations of the Unfair Competition Act (UCL), whose conduct "offends against public policy, is immoral, unethical, oppressive and unethical. scruples. " The lawyers are asking for compensation of $ 5 million.

The lawsuit also includes charges of illicit enrichment and conversion. In this regard, the company stated that its company "does not operate with the equipment of its customers". In addition, he added that, taking into account the fact that mining represents only a small part of its activity, "Bitmain has less incentive to do so than to send the equipment as soon as possible to meet confirmed orders ".

The actions against Bitmain are being processed for the two registered companies of the company. One in Delaware, the United States and another in Beijing, China.

Bitmain, a year full of setbacks

This lawsuit against the mining company is published shortly after the rumor of the dismissal of Jihan Wu as CEO of Bitmain and after setbacks with its initial public offering.

In addition, the profitability of the latest equipment marketed, the Antminer S15 and T15, both equipped with 7-nm chips, is questionable because the company had not yet defined the performance of these devices.

For now, we do not know how the court will proceed with this request.

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