They take from Juárez to Damascus but there are others 4


Following the extradition of Dámaso López Núñez, one of the alleged leaders of the Sinaloa cartel, in the federal prison located at this border, at least four other people are accused of belong to the Mexican drug barons.

they are Miguel Ángel Treviño Morales, nicknamed the Z-40, former leader of the bloodthirsty Gulf Cartel; also José Antonio Romo López, known as "El Hamburguesa" and accused of commanding the same criminal group in Tamaulipas, as well as Rogelio Hernández, alias "El Águila", designated as leader in the structure of the Sinaloa Cartel.

Dámaso López Núñez, considered the successor of Joaquín Guzmán Loera, former head of the Sinaloa cartel, since he was captured in January 2016, left the federal prison of Juarez yesterday to be prosecuted by the government American, reported the PGR.

They demand Damaso on trial against 'El Chapo & # 39;

They take it out at the dawn of number 9 of Cefereso; since yesterday, he is at the disposal of the US authorities

His proceedings in Mexico were suspended after his extradition yesterday, when he was placed at the disposal of the Federal District Court of Eastern District of Virginia, for his probable responsibility in the commission crimes. López Núñez, nicknamed El Licenciado, was one of the most notable guests of Cefereso 9 in this city, since his admission on May 3, 2017.

compadre of El Chapo Guzmán, what it helped escape in 2001, when he held the post of deputy director of the penitentiary Puente Grande in Jalisco

Despite this extradition, Miguel Treviño Morales, the Z-40, it happens in the reflectors at the # 39, inside the Cefereso 9, considered by the prison authorities as the most dangerous according to its criminal history.

He is credited, for example, with the killing of 72 migrants in the municipality of San Fernando, Tamaulipas, in 2010. He arrived at Cefereso 9 in July 2017 from Cefereso 1, located in Almoloya, State of Mexico.

"The Hamburguesa" arrived at this border from 14. June 2017, a month after being captured by the federal forces in Zacatecas.

Rogelio Hernández, aka "El Águila", according to newspaper archives, was captured in Juarez and presented by the Attorney General's office as lieutenant of El Chapo Guzmán, November 2016.

Fernando Quintana Esparza , Jesus Gabriel Vázquez Bojórquez, Osvaldo Villanueva García and Bernal Gómez Aguilar, who were part of the personal guard of El Chapo Guzmán at the time recaptured and, that same month, January 2016, were sent to this border .

From Chihuahua is admitted to this penitentiary, Julio César Escárcega Murillo, aka "El Tigre" Accused of being the head of the new Juarez cartel in Cuauhtémoc and allegedly worked for two opposing cartels before being arrested in October of last year and admitted to Cefereso de Juárez.

They arrive by Damascus helicopter ]

Elements of the PGR and the army, arrived by helicopter yesterday at dawn at the airport Abraham González. They brought the slogan to arrive at Cefereso 9 and extradite "El Licenciado."

Dámaso López Núñez, was released in a security deployment, after a year and two months of his capture, for being declared as a key witness in the lawsuit against his compadre, Joaquín Guzmán Lorea, according to the PGR.

López Núñez met "El Chapo" as deputy director of the Puente Grande Prison in Jalisco, and helped him escape in the year 2001 in the first According to information from Attorney General's Office (PGR), Damaso was at the disposal of the US government yesterday.

He will be prosecuted for his probable responsibility in crimes of criminal association and against health, informed the PGR.

At the May break of the present year, it was known that "The Licensed", was jailed with 550 detainees of Cefereso 9, after its population decreased compared to 2015, when 73 thousand people were been interned, before the arrival of Joaquín "El Chapo" Guzmán, in May 2016.

"El Chapo" and his accomplice "El Licenciado" were not together in the cells of this federal prison, since Guzmán Loera was extradited on January 19, 2017, while Dámaso was admitted four months later, in the uniform who identified him as detained 4073.

The extradition of yesterday was considered the successor of "El Chapo" until he was captured by elements of the army and PGR in the colony of Nuevo Anzures, Miguel Hidalgo's delegation in Mexico City, May 2, 2017.

Before meeting "El Chapo", "El Licenciado" was a judicial police Sinaloa and agent of the m Public Inister, according to newspaper archives

Later, he became deputy director of security and detention at Puente Grande prison in Jalisco, where "El Chapo" Guzmán was already a trainee. ecto and the trust, where by means of cartridges of money allowed the flight of the head of Cartel Sinaloa in 2001.

"El Licenciado" and his career

• His lawsuits in Mexico are suspended [19659002] • Before joining narco, he was a judicial police officer and public prosecutor

• He was also deputy director from Puente Grande Prison

• In this post, he escaped to Guzmán Loera in 2001

Mexico City in May 2017

• Was a year and two months in the Cefereso de Juárez

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