This is how Gigi Hadid responds to enemies who say that his love for Zayn Malik is fake


Gigi Hadid called to stop all negative comments against his relationship with Zayn Malik

Recently Gigi had to deal with enemies who Against their relationship with Zayn, and again he raised his voice to defend his relationship from an Instagram profile that is dedicated to sharing the "confessions" of the alleged fans of the model and singer.

The most recent publication on their relationship, C is she who annoyed Gigi because she said: " Zigi does anything for advertising." The fact is that Zayn will not follow Gigi or post a photo of her on her Instagram yet "accompanied by a photo

Gigi's answer was blunt:" It seems to me that you print me in a new publication every day … stop it please … it's just negative. I know that there is a marine world I like to be in touch with, instead of trying to analyze a relationship between two people who do not know and who do not see 99% of what happens to them.

I do not need to be following someone who is virtually inactive in the application. My eyes are tattooed on his chest. The energy you put in it does not help your own life, guys … you waste your time. They can call it advertising, but I post my buddy as anyone. That I support Z or that he supports me is a matter of mutual love and enthusiasm. You do not have to decipher anything all the time … take a break.

This is my last comment on this subject, but I hope you know that I do not have any bad intentions. I would simply like you to find something else that inspires you in life … x . "

After receiving several user reviews for his comment, one of them told him that it would have been better to write directly to the administrator. , and that did not make it so public, commented Gigi:

" I understand your point of view that it must have been a direct message, I agree, I n & # 39; I just did not think about it. All this is very frustrating, I'm just human … I've seen trash in this account since the same time you and I have been silent. I have enough … just because I'm a "celebrity" does not mean I do not feel, or that my time is too precious not to listen to what people have to say. I am sure you realize how bad these statements can be, especially about someone I love. If you like it too, sooner or later you will realize that we are in the same team;)

Sorry if I had looked immature, I 'd like to see you. just try to open a dialogue so that people can understand that his words are hurtful and not a simple "anonymous confession". This internet culture is cruel and does not contribute to anything profound. It's not about defending myself or taking time with fans who support me. If those who carry and follow this story do not want to believe me or follow my advice, that's fine … but someday, they will remember and will realize that ship as many of them as possible. 39, negative energy to others is a loss of life . "

Fan shared a picture of what looks like a conversation that he had in private with Gigi, in which he says:" It's sad to have to defend my relationship when sometimes I just want to feel like a normal girl with a normal boyfriend. If I was not who I am, I would publish every day … but I guess anyone who will want to believe that it's something fake will believe it … should probably stop answering . "

Poor Gigi" It must be exhausting to see so many comments from people who only know how to make meaningless judgments, what do you think? Do you think I should ignore them?

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