This was the first human step on the moon


According to the site "Population city" in the world there are more than 7 billion people walking on earth each taking one step at a time,

"A little step for the man … "

The [19juillet1969] Neil Armstrong took" a small step. for man, but a great step for humanity " His image on the moon reached millions of homes on television and remained in everyone's memory forever.

9:32, United States time in Florida's paradise, the Apollo XI began the journey that would last four days until arriving at the Earth's natural satellite, as indicated by the NASA newspaper

According to the records, it was 10:56 am, when Armstrong took the first step on the area of ​​the "Sea of ​​Tranquility" of the moon while pronouncing this mythical phrase, which marked the history of humanity and a precedent in the race for space, making North America the pioneer of lunar landings

On the lunar surface Neil Armstrong, Edwin Aldrin and Michael Collins placed a United States flag t deposited a metal plate with the following inscription:

"Here, the men of planet Earth have set foot on the Moon for the first time. July 1969 DC We came in peace on behalf of all humanity "

The witnesses to this exploit are the sand and fragments of the lunar rock which are now sheltered on Earth

] According to NASA with the Apollo XI mission, the President Kennedy 's challenge had been met, only eight years after the Russians had traveled in the US. They had walked on the surface of the moon and returned safely on July 24, 1969, at 11:49, the time of the central region of this country.

According to the Spanish newspaper Country " between 1959 and In 1973, NASA allocated 23 thousand 600 million dollars to lunar exploration, without including the cost of infrastructure. Today this figure equals 131 thousand 750 million dollars depending on the value of the dollar

The day this man The first step of the moon, it was found that, as Earth, has a constitution based on strata, and that at one time was in a fluid state, just as our planet was four thousand five hundred million years ago.

Step by Step

A TV commemorates the day where the man took the first step on the moon convinced that step by step, # We are all one .

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