Three portable seismic stations are placed in Carabobo


Lázaro Yáñez .- Since the month of April to date, there have been more than 270 earthquakes in Carabobo and in response to the Fundación Sismologica de Venezuela, (Funvisis) with support [JacoboVidarte vice-president of the latter organization in the region reported that these teams were placed in the western subregion which includes the Miranda and Montalbán as well as Naguanagua and northern Valencia [19659003] He indicated that the intention of these seismographs is to have a record "in real time and with more precision" of events of this nature that take place not only in the territory of Carabobo but not in the neighboring states such as Yaracuy and Aragua.

The permanence of these mobiles will be peremptory and it is also planned to place other ecelographic equipment and will serve to adjust the regulations of the structures so that they are increasingly adapted to the seismoresitente regulation.

The activity also involved officials from the Technical and Rescue Unit, (SIRA-92) and Regional Search and Rescue.

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