Time and money: the only way for Sampaoli to retain the Argentine national team


"Peace of mind to be solved, no one presses us." This response from a leader aligned with President Claudio Tapia defines the limbo (with regulations in force) that still contains Jorge Sampaoli. confidence in their ideas, nor the approval of the project Time … "He does not want it, but he will not take it", reveals another source intimately close to "Chiqui". Ni plans or projects .. money … The time, because there is no replacement in sight, and money, because the coffers of the. AFA are not willing to shell out or any of the $ 8,264,000 to have to dismiss the technician

Sampaoli "the link established between the parties and the methodology of work implemented so far", according to the institutional statement that the Creole football headquarters posted, will direct to a sub-handset to which no proper name is known. .. In the same month as AFA planned to play the World Cup final, "the best technician in the world", according to the previous analysis of Tapia, s & # 39 will approach Valencia amateur competition against Qatar's big opponents a team from Murcia or a representative from Mauritania.

What does Sampaoli play at L'Alcudia? If it happens, nothing. Your luck seems cast. If, before each punctual request, the answer is contrary to its continuity, it is not possible to project the Casildense well beyond this competition. What does Sampaoli think? At the "informative meeting" that he held in front of Tapia and his first vice and mentor, Daniel Angelici, he exercised self-criticism. From their residual technical body (because the core has left the national team to return to Defense and Justice), they do not give up, and they think of Ezequiel Barco, of Atlanta United, Gonzalo Maroni, of Boca, or Tomás Chancalay, of Colón), the combined youth who will suffer, like all these equipment, destratos, slamming and negative.

  AWAY. Sampaoli admitted mistakes and said that he lost the management of the group.
FAR. Sampaoli admitted mistakes and said that he had lost the direction of the group.

At the end of the month, the AFA Executive Committee will meet to analyze the Sampaoli exhibition after the elimination of the World Cup. Time Money Projects are not on the table, at least they are not public, they are not mentioned either … What is the game in the world? How to merge it with your local DNA? Which players will you capture when you recruit according to the chosen system? Which professionals in the field of training? Which sports manager to develop the idea? With which functional coach to the vertical pyramid? What is your infrastructure? And your budget? … it's the ABC of how things should be done, the model for putting together what is right. But our football is caught between two parameters, time and money, so the new bird is worth a little cheaper.

Sampaoli is betrayed. He handed the key to the self-managing group, which assumes that the sport in the league of origin is much heavier than an institutional framework or any technical body. And this concession was granted to him. And this group of players has reason to note this encouragement, even when this action breaks the command order. The close past of Argentine football has filled them with arguments. The AFA is ahead of a crossroads of time, collides with old ways or adapts to new times. Right now, what's happening with the coach seems less about what's at stake: more of the same thing or the revolution, a plan, patience and staff aligned and trained to run the project. With whom? Place your bets, wear and fight the fray.

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