To create accounts on Instagram and Facebook, you will need an identification document



July 24, 2018- 12:07

Social networks have a minimum age limit to use, usually for Facebook and Instagram is 14, in some country, this may vary. When a profile is created, no piece of identity or element is requested from the person to corroborate his age, but this could change.

Facebook and Instagram will begin to block accounts of users suspected of being under 13 years old. and request that an ID be uploaded to verify the date of birth.

The decision was made after an investigation by Firescrest Films and Channel 4 in the UK revealed that a moderator or an account examiner said he "should ignore". "Or ignore users who appeared to be under the age of 13.

" We do not allow people under the age of 13 to have a Facebook account. If a person is under the age of 13, the reviewer will review the content of their profile (text and photos) to determine their age. If they believe that the person is under 13, the account will be suspended and the person will not be able to use Facebook until you have provided proof of age, "said Facebook on his account Official

. ignore the accounts supposed to be users under 13 years old. For kids, the Messenger Kids app is for children ages 6 to 12

However, it must be remembered that over 90 childrens' experts have stated that the platform is not suitable to the children and asked Mark Zuckerberg to remove the site.


Social networks

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