"To fight against hyperinflation, we must control the parallel dollar"


Caracas .- The constitutionist and economist, Jesús Faría, reiterated Sunday his belief that it is necessary to give "a change of direction" to the economy in order to reduce the number of people in the economy. hyperinflation, the end of the shortage and for the fall of the national production, which in their opinion are the culprits, with the "economic war", of the serious crisis that crosses the nation.

"It is necessary to give a change of direction by building an economic anti-inflationary production program," said Faría during an interview offered to the program Dialogue with transmitted by Televen.

He specified that among the policies that this program must include, are the exchange, price, taxation, monetary and

In this regard, he pointed out that exchange control should be eliminated because, at in his opinion, he has already reached his life cycle.

"Already the exchange control does not work, the reserves have been exhausted, the black dollar has skyrocketed, the allocation of foreign currency is not timely, so you have to revisit that (…) to fight inflation, you have to control the parallel dollar " he argued.

Among the benefits of the elimination of exchange control, he pointed out that it would be the same market, by supply and demand, that would be responsible for "setting up". a more reasonable price "for currencies.

] Fight Against Corruption

On the other hand, Faría pointed out the great struggle that the government of Nicolás Maduro has waged against "corruption and bureaucracy", particularly in PDVSA, although he acknowledged that there is still much to be done in the state oil company.

"Due to the ineffectiveness and indolence of people in front of PDVSA, production has been lowered in more than a million barrels, which must be solved because despite the efforts, To conclude, he said that "the government is able to solve problems and solve them" by implementing "a comprehensive and coherent economic program that can he can deal with these problems, but of effectively, "he said before indicating that he expects these solutions to be implemented" very soon ".

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