Tom Jones canceled two shows due to health problems – 19/07/2018


The British singer Tom Jones was forced to cancel two concerts that he had planned in the UK due to a bacterial infection, as reported in the Twitter account of the United Kingdom. artist.

"Unfortunately, Mr. Tom is not well and the doctors advised him not to act," said in a statement posted on his official account on the social network. Later, the musician himself, 78 years old, apologized to the participants.

  More Sir than ever. Tom Jones acted in celebration of 92 years of Queen Elizabeth II, which was performed at the Royal Albert Hall on April 21 this year. (John Stillwell / Pool via AP)

More Sir than ever. Tom Jones acted in celebration of 92 years of Queen Elizabeth II, which was performed at the Royal Albert Hall on April 21 this year. (John Stillwell / Pool via AP)

"I'm sorry to have canceled the concert yesterday – Wednesday 18th – in Chichester (England), it's a terrible feeling to have to let all those who were going to attend and those who had He collaborated at the event, "he released, while stating that he could not act on Thursday 19 at the racecourse of the English city of Chester.

Jones is being treated for a bacterial infection. "Although I can not play tonight in Chester, the good news is that we can get another appointment here on August 12, so I hope to see you there," he said. . the Welsh.

Official channels of the singer, the people concerned were informed that the tickets "will continue to be valid for new dates."

In addition, it was made clear that in case the fans could not attend the concert, the In September 2017, the singer, who was able to teach at Luna Park in the same month of 2016, had already been forced to postpone his tour to the United States for health reasons, although the money is repaid.

his promise to return to the United States this year remains in effect.

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