Tom Jones cancels two concerts for an infection


London – British singer Tom Jones was forced to cancel two concerts in the UK due to a bacterial infection, according to the artist on his Twitter account.

"Unfortunately, Mr. Tom is not doing well and the doctors have advised him not to act," he said in a statement posted on his official account on the social network.

Later, it is the musician himself, 78, who apologized to the participants. 19659002] "I am sorry to have canceled the concert in Chichester (England), it is a terrible feeling to have to exclude all those who were going to attend and those who had collaborated in the concert. event, "he said, while noting that he can play at the English city horse race course in Chester

Jones is being treated for a bacterial infection – about which no further details are needed. 39 was offered – although he thinks he will return to the stage less than a month later

. I can not act tonight in Chester, the good news is that we can get another appointment here on August 12, so I hope to see you there, "reports the Welsh. valid for new dates. "

Also, in case fans who have paid can not attend the concert, the money will be refunded.

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