Tony Parker leaves San Antonio and leaves with Charlotte | Basketball



Tony Parker came to San Antonio as a teenager almost two decades ago, quickly became part of the legendary "Big Three" ("Great Trio ") Spurs and held four championships while wearing black and silver. He has not finished playing, he just stopped doing it in San Antonio.

Parker signed a two-year, $ 10-million deal on Friday with Charlotte Hornets completing a 17-year run with the Spurs. And he is not the only veteran to relocate, since Oklahoma City and Carmelo Anthony mutually agreed to separate and Dwight Howard is ready to sign with the Washington Wizards once we have given it down. In addition, DeAndre Jordan finally came to the Dallas Mavericks and Zach LaVine migrated with the Sacramento Kings.

All these movements were confirmed on Friday by the Associated Press by people involved in the negotiations. Each person spoke on condition of anonymity because none of the changes were finalized, but Parker was confirmed by Spurs coach Gregg Popovich, who thanked his former player in a statement issued by the team.

It's hard to say in words how important Tony Parker has been to the Spurs franchise over the last two decades, "said Popovich." From their first match in 2001, at the age of 19-year-old TP has impressed and inspired us day after day, game after game, season after season, with their passion, dedication and desire. "We are grateful to Tony for his 17 years of truly incredible memories." [19659003] The movement reunites Parker with Charlotte's new coach, James Borrego who was most recently an assistant in San Antonio, and Parker is a close friend of Charlotte's Nicolas Batum, who was predictably excited by the news "Number 9, I'll see you soon in the town of Buzz my big brother," writes Batum on Twitter

Parker had the lowest averages of his career with 7.7 points and 19.5 minutes last season when he lost his job as a licensee. He was one of 137 playoff victories with Popovich, the second-highest number in NBA history for a player and a starter together. Popovich and former Spurs star, Tim Duncan, joined forces for 157 playoff wins

Anthony, meanwhile, played his last match for the Oklahoma City Thunder, after that the two teams decided to separate. next season. It is still unclear how the player will exit, whether through a purchase, whether the Thunder will abandon it or will switch to another team.

Anthony is destined to win $ 28 million this season, the latest of a five-year, $ 125 million contract he signed with New York before being sent to Oklahoma City. He said that he would not accept a reserve role and that by letting him pass – one way or the other – the Thunder could save over 90 million dollars in luxury taxes.

Anthony averaged 16.2 points and shot 40 percent. CENTER EFFICIENT last season, the two worst records of his career.

Howard started Friday in Charlotte's list, then moved to Brooklyn, an agreement made a few days ago, but that could not be completed until Friday. when the league moratorium for player movement will end. The Nets will release him, which will pave the way for his eventual signing with the Wizards.

A person familiar with the terms told the AP that Howard would play for a one – year contract and $ 5.3 million. Later, ESPN informed that Howard will sign for two years with Washington, with the second year as an option.

Jordan fulfilled his commitment to sign with Dallas three years after breaking the same promise. Jordan signed a one – year contract on Friday, the first day that players could make official free agency decisions. The value should be about $ 24.1 million, which Jordan could get before giving up his contract with the Los Angeles Clippers.

In 2015, Jordan agreed to sign with the Mavericks before changing their minds largely at the insistence of his colleagues then Chris Paul and Blake Griffin . The Houston native stayed with the Clippers and entered the final year of his contract for four seasons before retiring.

LaVine signed a four-year, $ 80 million proposal with the Sacramento Kings.

] A person with direct knowledge of trading has confirmed conditions to the Associated Press on condition of anonymity as neither the Kings nor the Chicago Bulls have announced the agreement .

The Bulls have 48 hours to decide if they match the offer to their Open agent with restrictions.

LaVine has missed 91 of 162 games in the last two seasons. He played only 24 games for the Bulls the previous season, averaging 16.7 points and 38% shooting on the field.

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