Trade unionists call for the release of Rubén González


November 30, 2018 1:15 am

Trade unionists and politicians rejected the arrest of Rubén González, secretary general of the Ferrominera union, and demanded their immediate release. Yesterday, at 1 am, the National Guards detained 60 workers from the Guayana base companies, including González, who were back in the two buses of the demonstration in Anacoátegui, in the alcabala of Anacoátegui. Wednesday in Caracas.

José Basanta, a worker from Bauxilum, said that during his detention, the military had told them that they would be transferred under a command, where they would have remained until 3:20 am. "We were told that Rubén González was in detention for a warrant issued in August, and they threatened to arrest us all if we did not leave this place."

Congressman Américo De Grazia, from La Causa R, said that relatives had been informed that the trade union leader was at the office of the General Directorate of Military Counterintelligence at El Tigrito yesterday afternoon, where they would proceed to a meeting. medical evaluation before. move him to a military court in Caracas.

Gonzalez can not violate any military law because he does not belong to the military institution, he said and said the trade unionist blamed the aggression on the Bolivarian National Armed Forces.

This is not the first time that he has stopped. In 2009, he was arrested for leading a labor protest. In March 2011, Bolívar's sixth trial court sentenced him to seven years, six months and 22 days in prison, a decision that was annulled a few days later by the Supreme Court of Justice. "What they do not forgive Rubén González, that is that between the defense of Chávez and the workers, he defended his comrades, which led him to prison for nearly of two years old, and today he has again chosen to defend the workers, "said the parliamentarian.

Marlene Sifontes, Organizing Secretary of the National Unitary Workers Union of Inparques, stated that Mr. Gonzalez was a founding leader of the autonomous trade union movement. "The government is trying to silence the voice of the demonstration in the street with the arrest of Rubén González and wants people to kneel."

His counterpart from the Federation of Health Workers, Pablo Zambrano, recalled that although the authorities were already persecuting Gonzalez in Guayana, the leader continued to defend the conquests, wages and collective recruitment of workers. "Despite this situation and knowing that we run the risk that the same thing will happen to us, we will continue on the street and now our freedom to fight brother is added to our demands".

Iván Freites, director of the Unitarian Federation of Petroleum Workers in Venezuela, said that González's detention was a very serious violation of human rights, the Constitution and international conventions. "We will not allow the government to endanger and bring to justice in a military court such a valuable trade union leader as it is."

In Gonzalez, 10 workers of Ferrominera Orinoco are arrested in 2 days. On Tuesday morning, officials of the Military Counterintelligence Directorate arrested Douglas Álvarez, Yonney Monsalve, Alexis Perdomo, Exddy Perdomo, Francisco Perdomo, Pedro Calzadilla, Argenis da Silva, Tony Briceño and José Jaime when they demonstrated in front of the headquarters. of the society. . Yesterday afternoon, they were transferred to the mobile settlements of El Dorado.

"The regime is using the means of repression to appease the demonstrations taking place not only in Guyana, but also throughout the country," said Yanrichar Rosas, a Ferrominera employee.

Marcela Máspero, President of the National Union of Workers, said that she was contacting the Director General of the International Labor Organization, Guy Ryder; the chairman of the investigation committee, Manuel Herrera Carbuccia; and the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, headed by Michelle Bachelet. They are also preparing a notification for the Organization of American States.

"What they do not forgive Rubén González, that is that between the defense of Chávez and the workers, he defended his comrades, which led him to prison for nearly two years old, and today he has chosen to defend them again. "

MEP Américo De Grazia

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