Tropical Storm Beryl Continues to Weaken to the Caribbean | In the world


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Photo: Archive | Repository | EFE

Tropical Storm Beryl continues with its weakening and its maximum sustained winds are already 50 miles per hour (85 km / h) while it continues its course towards the Lesser Antilles informed today the National Center of Hurricanes ( NHC of United States .

In this way, the Beryl winds lost 30 miles per hour of force ( 24 km / h) According to the latest NCH bulletin, on Friday the 15th and in the morning, it was recorded mid-morning.

At that time, Beryl was about 975 kilometers southeast of Lesser Antilles 17 miles per hour (28 km / h) with west-northwest direction

The France government issued a tropical storm warning for the island of Guadeloupe as well as San Martín .

Beryl continues to Celerate its transfer Ion and Miami-based NHC meteorologists believe that it could further increase its speed in the coming days.

The center of Beryl will approach the Lesser Antilles Sunday and will cross the chain of islands in the early morning. Monday to pass this day south of Virgin Islands and Puerto Rico .

Experts predict that there will be an additional weakening over the next 48 hours, which would lead to Beryl he passed into the tropical depression after overcoming the Lesser Antilles and dissipated Monday night when he reached the Central Caribbean Sea and the island of La ​​Española .

The tropical storm force winds of this cyclone up to 75 kilometers from the center, said the NHC, which predicts rainfall accumulations ranging between 32 and 64 cubic centimeters until Monday in the south of Leeward islands and in the north of the island. of B arlovento

In the rest of the islands of Sotavento and Barlovento the Virgin Islands and Puerto Rico planned to fall between 1 to 2 inches (16 to 32 cubic centimeters) of rain, with locally higher amounts.

Also in the Atlantic is the third tropical depression of the hurricane season in this basin, which the NHC expects to become in a tropical storm off the coast of North Carolina (USA) .

This meteorological phenomenon is 160 miles (255 km) from Cape Hatteas, North Carolina. NHC predicts that it will become a hurricane next Tuesday even further off the US coast and begin to weaken as it moves into the cold waters of Canada.

The Administration The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) predicted last May that the hurricane season in the Atlantic will have a "near" or "above average" activity, with between five and nine hurricanes, of which between one and four

The agency's forecast for the season in the Atlantic Basin, which affects the United States, the Caribbean and Mexico for six months, indicate also the formation of 10 to 16 tropical storms


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