Trump begins his visit to the United Kingdom in the midst of protests


London .- US President Donald Trump arrived in the UK on Thursday for a four-day long visit requested by the government of Prime Minister Theresa May and will, however, be marked by protests hostile

Trump arrived in London at noon from the summit of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) in Brussels and, although he is staying at Winfield House, the residence of the Ambassador of the United States near Regent Park, in central London, his program avoids the British capital, where demonstrations will be concentrated, said AFP

October 17, 1957 Dwight Eisenhower has Received Isabel II at the White House (AP)

] Thus, meetings with Prime Minister Theresa May and Queen Elizabeth II will take place respectively at Checkers Mansion and Windsor Castle, both at the same time. outside the capital.

The President and his wife, Melania, will attend this Thursday a gala dinner with businessmen at Blenheim Palace, a country house near Oxford in which, in 1874, Winston Churchill was born, prime minister during the Second World War.

Trump and May will hold a press conference Friday and Sunday the US president will travel to Helsinki to meet Russian President Vladimir Putin on Monday.

John F. Kennedy and his wife Jackie at Buckingham Palace June 5, 1961 (AP)

London hangs on to "special relationship"

The British government is eager to prove that there is a life beyond the European Union and that the famous "special relationship" with the United States could be translated into ambitious trade agreements a desire that coincides with the presence at the White House of a protectionist American president.

"When we leave the European Union, we will begin to draw a new direction for the United Kingdom in the world, and our global alliances will be stronger than ever," said May of the trip.

Elizabeth II received Richard Nixon in Checkers in 1970, Buckinghamshire (AP)

"There is no stronger alliance than our special relationship with the United States and there will be no bigger alliance in the coming years. "

The US ambassador to London, Woody Johnson, said the trade agreement would be "a top priority" for Trump when the Brexit takes place, in March 2019.

Trump bites himself not the language and has already made several snobs to May.

So, Ambassador Woody Johnson had to rise on Wednesday on Trump's claim that the UK is living "in the storm" after the resignation of two executive heavyweights disagreeing on Brexit.

I think the UK is acting as it always has, "said the diplomat, interviewed by the public broadcaster BBC.

Gerald Ford dances with Isabel II at a dinner from the State to the White House June 7, 1976 (AP)

"It is a very confident country, a very competent country. in the ability of the UK to solve the Brexit problem and move on, "he added, hailing the" extraordinary relationship "between London and Washington.

A Trump Balloon Layered

According to a survey by the YouGov Institute released Thursday, 77% of Britons have an unfavorable opinion of Trump, 74% consider it sexist and 63% racist.

Nearly half of the 1,648 respondents believe The Queen should not receive it

A giant balloon representing Donald Trump as a baby diaper will float in the skies of London during the visit of the US President after the mayor of London, Sadiq Khan, who starred. several clashes in the networks With the president, give your permission.

In May 1977, Isabel II dined at Buckingham Palace with Jimmy Carter and Valéry Giscard of Estaing (AP)

In an article published in the newspaper Evening Standard Khan wrote that the special relationship "also means expressing ourselves when we think that one party is not up to the values ​​we value so much".

"Like many Londoners, I think it's one of those opportunities," he said.

Trump's six-meter balloon will be located 30 meters up near Parliament, between 9:30 am. 11:30 Friday

This afternoon will be a big demonstration in London under the slogan "United against Trump", in addition to many acts here and there.

"We will hold a major national demonstration against its policy of sexist, racist, war, hate and climate change denial," organizers of the Great Demonstration

Isabel II and Ronald Reagan told Windsor Castle 8. June 19, 1982 (AP)

Desay to Theresa May

Trump arrived at Stansted Airport from Brussels, where he participated in a summit of the United States. NATO in which he still snubbed his hostess, who Shortly before he had presented his white paper on future relations with the European Union, which plans to maintain close commercial ties.

George Bush Received Queen Elizabeth The White House in 1991 (AP)

"I do not know if they have voted for this, "said Trump at a press conference in Brussels. "People have voted to separate (from the European Union), so I guess that's what they're going to do, but maybe they're taking a different path. "

This plan led to the resignation of the two most notorious Eurosceptics of the Government: Foreign Minister Boris Johnson – a friend of Trump – and Brexit negotiator David Davis.

The visit will be marked also by the hostile demonstrations, although Trump will avoid as much as possible London, where will stay and meet May.


Dinner at Portsmouth with Bill Clinton on June 4, 1994 (AP) [19459025] Rules of etiquette

Despite his reputation for engaging in non-traditional behavior, the US President will have to abide by the rules and adhere to a strict protocol during his imminent meeting with the Queen of England. First Lady Melania Trump have a program I'm having tea with the monarch at Windsor Castle.

The fact that the 92-year-old queen is one of the world's most admired women, and the awesome circumstance of being in a castle, will likely mitigate the president's iconoclastic impulses, say experts.

Isabel II received George W. Bush in Windsor on June 15, 2008 (AP)

] Rule number one: None expression of affection for the queen as kisses or cuddles.

Also, Trump must wait for the queen to extend his hand, and only then can you shake him gently and continue the conversation. And the same goes for Mrs. Trump

Neither the President nor the First Lady will have to bow in a gesture of reverence to the Queen said Hugo Vickers, author of several books on British royalty .

"This is not mandatory for a head of state or the wife of a head of state," Vickers said.

"Trump should not try to kiss him, and I can not imagine that he will do it." [19459025]

Barack Obama and his wife Michelle had dinner with Elizabeth II in London on May 25 2011 (AP)

Vickers predicted that everything would come out well in the visit, despite the many controversies surrounding Trump. He opined that the Queen probably has his opinions on the president, but will not express them, because he only does so with his next of kin.

Trump must also abide by the protocol on how to address the queen. You must call it "Your Majesty" the first time and "Lady" from now on.

However, the rules are sometimes not respected. The Queen did not seem upset when South African President Nelson Mandela called her "Elizabeth," or when Michelle Obama caught her shoulder briefly.

The Trumps Upon Arrival in the United Kingdom (AP)

The Queen is known not to be discouraged in the most unexpected circumstances. She has never been seen angry in public and the only time she looks jubilant is when one of her horses wins a race.

For example, it did not flinch in 1991, because of a landslide. planning, he was barely seeing the hat when he delivered a speech in Washington accompanied by President George HW Bush

It turns out that the podium had been adjusted for the high chair and was not modified for the smaller monarch.

The Queen does not like the revealing dress, so we expect Ms. Trump to dress a rather modest outfit

The President will have to be in a suit and tie.

There are certain traditions that are more obligatory: you do not turn your back on the queen and do not take pictures.

But there is no more "suitable" way to hold the cup of tea.

The event will be a little more relaxed than an official banquet or lunch, warned Joe Little, editor of the magazine Majesty .

However, a tip for the trumps: If you do not like dogs, pretend that yes, at least for an hour.

All Presidents of the United States since 1952 met Isabel II with the exception of Lyndon B. Johnson. [ad_2]
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