Trump received severe criticism after the summit with Putin


US President Donald Trump has been the center of an avalanche of criticism from intelligence authorities and prominent crooks in his country after the press conference that followed his summit with the Russian leader Vladimir Putin.

House Speaker Paul Ryan, noted in a note that Trump should appreciate that Russia is not an ally: "There is no equivalence between the United States and Russia, which remains hostile to our core values ​​and ideals. "

Senate Democratic Party leader Chuck Schumer stated that the press conference with Puntin, Trump showed a dangerous and weak behavior in front of an opponent like Russia. "Throughout the history of our country, Americans have never seen their president support an opponent United States like Trump supported President Putin, "Schumer said on Twitter.

" The press conference in Helsinki is one of the most shameful demonstrations of an American president of whom we are remember, "said Republican Senator John McCain.

" No meadows ident has previously humbled himself more abject before a tyrant, "he said.

Another Republican Senator, Jeff Flake, pointed out that Trump's performance was shameful. "I would never have thought that I was going to see an American president go on stage with a Russian president and blame the United States for aggression on the part of Russia, it's shameful," he said on Twitter.

Summit. Putin and Trump yesterday greeted their first summit held in Helsinki as a useful meeting that changed the relations between their two countries. The former even declared that his ideological antagonism no longer existed.

"The cold war ended long ago, the era of ideological antagonism between two countries now belongs to the past and the situation in the world has changed dramatically," Putin said. , who stated that he had been strongly rejected. allegations that influenced the electoral victory of the American, thus contradicting the conclusion of the intelligence agencies of his country.

The question of the possible manipulation of the Russian origin of the outcome of the US elections dominated much of the presentation of the results of the summit of the two leaders in front of the press.

"Intelligence agencies have said that they thought it was Russia, I do not see why this could be the case, and President Putin was extremely strong and powerful in his business by refusing that today, "Trump said. questions from the press.

Putin however admitted that he wanted Trump to win the presidential election, arguing that he wanted to improve relations with Russia.

Asked about the concrete results of the meeting, Trump refrained from detailing them, just like Putin, who only gave vague answers about what they were talking about alone or with their delegations.

Confidence in the Intelligence

The President of the United States, Donald Trump, assured that he had great confidence in the intelligence services of his country

"As I have said many times: "I have great confidence in my people's intelligence. However, I also realize that to build a better future, we can not focus exclusively on the past, "said the president in a message posted on his personal Twitter account.

Trump also defended his tweeted that, being the two largest nuclear powers, "Washington and Moscow must be heard".

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